Hi - I’m Kimberly!

About 15 years ago, I was living in NYC, had started my own business, and I was in a state of craziness and exhaustion. All of my friends seemed to be escaping to Bali or Costa Rica to “retreat.”

Well, I was in Manhattan with a new biz, and that was not in the budget! So, a friend let me borrow her family’s cabin on the water, and I took myself, several books and notebooks, a playlist of songs, and a couple of bottles of wine, and had my own “personal retreat.”

Since then, I have tried to take this solo retreat sevetral times a year, and have led several of my own. My friends started asking me how to show them what to do, how to find the time, how not to waste time once they got there, etc.

So, I created a couple of guides to help other women take 2-3 days to press pause, remove distractions, and
hear themselves think.

But, what I found was that even thought just about everyone loved the idea, actually finding the time, wasn’t something many felt like they could make a priority (but I think you should!)

So then, I created a concept of a One-Day Getaway - out of your house or office - in your own town, or close by. Where you have a schedule and a plan and an intention, but you don’t have to go away overnight. Everyone LOVED it!

(con’t below)

So then I thought, what if we make it even easier and more accessible?

What if we help women find moments - the `simple moments - to press pause, breathe, and remove distractions during their day? And what if we could help this become more of a lifestyle, so that it is second nature and almost automatic throughout the day?

And that is where The Permission to Pause Collection was born - a seasonal collection of gifts for your home and for yourself. These curated items encourage pressing pause and taking the time to be quiet, slowing down, and appreciating the moments during each day.

As much as I love a retreat, this collection isn't about those fleeting times away. It's about weaving moments of mindfulness into the fabric of our daily lives. It's an invitation to fall in love again - with our surroundings, our routines, and most importantly, ourselves.

Why now? Because after years of riding life's rollercoaster, I've found one constant source of balance: the ability to pause, be quiet, and listen to my inner voice. Sometimes it's planned - a quiet morning or a personal retreat. a luxury seasonal subscription/gift box that helps you do just this.

If you ever have any questions, please reach out - I would love to hear from you! kimberly@thepermissiontopausecollection.com